POT backend examples
Wasserstein unmixing with PyTorch
Wasserstein unmixing with PyTorch
Dual OT solvers for entropic and quadratic regularized OT with Pytorch
Dual OT solvers for entropic and quadratic regularized OT with Pytorch
Wasserstein 1D (flow and barycenter) with PyTorch
Wasserstein 1D (flow and barycenter) with PyTorch
Wasserstein 2 Minibatch GAN with PyTorch
Wasserstein 2 Minibatch GAN with PyTorch
Sliced Wasserstein barycenter and gradient flow with PyTorch
Sliced Wasserstein barycenter and gradient flow with PyTorch
Continuous OT plan estimation with Pytorch
Continuous OT plan estimation with Pytorch
Optimizing the Gromov-Wasserstein distance with PyTorch
Optimizing the Gromov-Wasserstein distance with PyTorch