Source code for ot.gromov._quantized

Quantized (Fused) Gromov-Wasserstein solvers.

# Author: Cédric Vincent-Cuaz <>
# License: MIT License

import numpy as np
import warnings

    from import asyn_fluidc, louvain_communities
    from networkx import from_numpy_array, pagerank

    networkx_import = True
except ImportError:
    networkx_import = False

    from sklearn.cluster import SpectralClustering, KMeans

    sklearn_import = True
except ImportError:
    sklearn_import = False

import random

from ..utils import list_to_array, unif, dist
from ..backend import get_backend
from ..lp import emd_1d
from ._gw import gromov_wasserstein, fused_gromov_wasserstein
from ._utils import init_matrix, gwloss

[docs] def quantized_fused_gromov_wasserstein_partitioned( CR1, CR2, list_R1, list_R2, list_p1, list_p2, MR=None, alpha=1.0, build_OT=False, log=False, armijo=False, max_iter=1e4, tol_rel=1e-9, tol_abs=1e-9, nx=None, **kwargs, ): r""" Returns the quantized Fused Gromov-Wasserstein transport between :math:`(\mathbf{C_1}, \mathbf{F_1}, \mathbf{p})` and :math:`(\mathbf{C_2}, \mathbf{F_2}, \mathbf{q})`, whose samples are assigned to partitions and representants :math:`\mathcal{P_1} = \{(\mathbf{P_{1, i}}, \mathbf{r_{1, i}})\}_{i \leq npart1}` and :math:`\mathcal{P_2} = \{(\mathbf{P_{2, j}}, \mathbf{r_{2, j}})\}_{j \leq npart2}`. The latter must be precomputed and encoded e.g for the source as: :math:`\mathbf{CR_1}` structure matrix between representants; `list_R1` a list of relations between representants and their associated samples; `list_p1` a list of nodes distribution within each partition; :math:`\mathbf{FR_1}` feature matrix of representants. The function estimates the following optimization problem: .. math:: \mathbf{T}^* \in \mathop{\arg \min}_\mathbf{T} \quad \alpha \sum_{i,j,k,l} L(\mathbf{C_1}_{i,k}, \mathbf{C_2}_{j,l}) \mathbf{T}_{i,j} \mathbf{T}_{k,l} + (1-\alpha) \langle \mathbf{T}, M\rangle_F s.t. \ \mathbf{T} \mathbf{1} &= \mathbf{p} \mathbf{T}^T \mathbf{1} &= \mathbf{q} \mathbf{T} &\geq 0 \mathbf{T}_{|\mathbf{P_{1, i}}, \mathbf{P_{2, j}}} &= T^{g}_{ij} \mathbf{T}^{(i,j)} using a two-step strategy computing: i) a global alignment :math:`\mathbf{T}^{g}` between representants joint structure and feature spaces; ii) local alignments :math:`\mathbf{T}^{(i, j)}` between partitions :math:`\mathbf{P_{1, i}}` and :math:`\mathbf{P_{2, j}}` seen as 1D measures. Where : - :math:`\mathbf{C_1}`: Metric cost matrix in the source space - :math:`\mathbf{C_2}`: Metric cost matrix in the target space - :math:`\mathbf{F_1}`: Feature matrix in the source space - :math:`\mathbf{F_2}`: Feature matrix in the target space - :math:`\mathbf{M}`: Pairwise similarity matrix between features - :math:`\mathbf{p}`: distribution in the source space - :math:`\mathbf{q}`: distribution in the target space - :math:`L`: quadratic loss function to account for the misfit between the similarity matrices .. note:: This function is backend-compatible and will work on arrays from all compatible backends. But the algorithm uses the C++ CPU backend which can lead to copy overhead on GPU arrays. .. note:: All computations in the Gromov-Wasserstein conjugate gradient solver are done with numpy to limit memory overhead. Parameters ---------- CR1 : array-like, shape (npart1, npart1) Structure matrix between partition representants in the source space. CR2 : array-like, shape (npart2, npart2) Structure matrix between partition representants in the target space. list_R1 : list of npart1 arrays, List of relations between representants and their associated samples in the source space. list_R2 : list of npart2 arrays, List of relations between representants and their associated samples in the target space. list_p1 : list of npart1 arrays, List of node distributions within each partition of the source space. list_p : list of npart2 arrays, List of node distributions within each partition of the target space. MR : array-like, shape (npart1, npart2), optional. (Default is None) Metric cost matrix between features of representants across spaces. alpha: float, optional. Default is None. FGW trade-off parameter in :math:`]0, 1]` between structure and features. If `alpha = 1` features are ignored hence computing qGW. build_OT: bool, optional. Default is False Either to build or not the OT between non-partitioned structures. log : bool, optional. Default is False record log if True armijo : bool, optional If True the step of the line-search is found via an armijo research. Else closed form is used. If there are convergence issues use False. max_iter : int, optional Max number of iterations tol_rel : float, optional Stop threshold on relative error (>0) tol_abs : float, optional Stop threshold on absolute error (>0) nx : backend, optional POT backend **kwargs : dict parameters can be directly passed to the solver Returns ------- T_global: array-like, shape (`npart1`, `npart2`) Gromov-Wasserstein alignment :math:`\mathbf{T}^{g}` between representants. Ts_local: dict of local OT matrices. Dictionary with keys :math:`(i, j)` corresponding to 1D OT between :math:`\mathbf{P_{1, i}}` and :math:`\mathbf{P_{2, j}}` if :math:`T^{g}_{ij} \neq 0`. T: array-like, shape `(ns, nt)` Coupling between the two spaces if `build_OT=True` else None. log : dict, if `log=True`. Convergence information and losses of inner OT problems. References ---------- .. [68] Chowdhury, S., Miller, D., & Needham, T. (2021). Quantized gromov-wasserstein. ECML PKDD 2021. Springer International Publishing. """ if nx is None: arr = [CR1, CR2, *list_R1, *list_R2, *list_p1, *list_p2] if MR is not None: arr.append(MR) nx = get_backend(*arr) npart1 = len(list_R1) npart2 = len(list_R2) # compute marginals for global alignment pR1 = nx.from_numpy(list_to_array([nx.sum(p) for p in list_p1])) pR2 = nx.from_numpy(list_to_array([nx.sum(q) for q in list_p2])) # compute global alignment if alpha == 1.0: res_global = gromov_wasserstein( CR1, CR2, pR1, pR2, loss_fun="square_loss", log=log, armijo=armijo, max_iter=max_iter, tol_rel=tol_rel, tol_abs=tol_abs, ) if log: T_global, dist_global = res_global[0], res_global[1]["gw_dist"] else: T_global = res_global elif (alpha < 1.0) and (alpha > 0.0): res_global = fused_gromov_wasserstein( MR, CR1, CR2, pR1, pR2, "square_loss", alpha=alpha, log=log, armijo=armijo, max_iter=max_iter, tol_rel=tol_rel, tol_abs=tol_abs, ) if log: T_global, dist_global = res_global[0], res_global[1]["fgw_dist"] else: T_global = res_global else: raise ValueError( f""" `alpha='{alpha}'` should be in ]0, 1]. """ ) if log: log_ = {} log_["global dist"] = dist_global # compute local alignments Ts_local = {} list_p1_norm = [p / nx.sum(p) for p in list_p1] list_p2_norm = [q / nx.sum(q) for q in list_p2] for i in range(npart1): for j in range(npart2): if T_global[i, j] != 0.0: res_1d = emd_1d( list_R1[i], list_R2[j], list_p1_norm[i], list_p2_norm[j], metric="sqeuclidean", p=1.0, log=log, ) if log: T_local, log_local = res_1d Ts_local[(i, j)] = T_local log_[f"local dist ({i},{j})"] = log_local["cost"] else: Ts_local[(i, j)] = res_1d if build_OT: T_rows = [] for i in range(npart1): list_Ti = [] for j in range(npart2): if T_global[i, j] == 0.0: T_local = nx.zeros( (list_R1[i].shape[0], list_R2[j].shape[0]), type_as=T_global ) else: T_local = T_global[i, j] * Ts_local[(i, j)] list_Ti.append(T_local) Ti = nx.concatenate(list_Ti, axis=1) T_rows.append(Ti) T = nx.concatenate(T_rows, axis=0) else: T = None if log: return T_global, Ts_local, T, log_ else: return T_global, Ts_local, T
[docs] def get_graph_partition( C, npart, part_method="random", F=None, alpha=1.0, random_state=0, nx=None ): r""" Partitioning a given graph with structure matrix :math:`\mathbf{C} \in R^{n \times n}` into `npart` partitions either 'random', or using one of {'louvain', 'fluid'} algorithms from networkx, or 'spectral' clustering from scikit-learn, or (Fused) Gromov-Wasserstein projections from POT. Parameters ---------- C : array-like, shape (n, n) Structure matrix. npart : int, number of partitions/clusters smaller than the number of nodes in :math:`\mathbf{C}`. part_method : str, optional. Default is 'random'. Partitioning algorithm to use among {'random', 'louvain', 'fluid', 'spectral', 'GW', 'FGW'}. 'random' for random sampling of points; 'louvain' and 'fluid' for graph partitioning algorithm that works well on adjacency matrix, If the louvain algorithm is used, `npart` is ignored; 'spectral' for spectral clustering; '(F)GW' for (F)GW projection using sr(F)GW solvers. F : array-like, shape (n, d), optional. (Default is None) Optional feature matrix aligned with the graph structure. Only used if `part_method="FGW"`. alpha : float, optional. (Default is 1.) Trade-off parameter between feature and structure matrices, taking values in [0, 1] and only used if `F != None` and `part_method="FGW"`. random_state: int, optional Random seed for the partitioning algorithm. nx : backend, optional POT backend. Returns ------- part : array-like, shape (npart,) Array of partition assignment for each node. References ---------- .. [68] Chowdhury, S., Miller, D., & Needham, T. (2021). Quantized gromov-wasserstein. ECML PKDD 2021. Springer International Publishing. """ if nx is None: nx = get_backend(C) n = C.shape[0] C0 = C if (alpha != 1.0) and (F is None): raise ValueError("`alpha != 1` but node features are not provided.") if npart >= n: warnings.warn( "Requested number of partitions higher than the number of nodes" "hence we enforce each node to be a partition.", stacklevel=2, ) part = np.arange(n) elif npart == 1: part = np.zeros(n) elif part_method == "random": # randomly partition the space random.seed(random_state) part = list_to_array(random.choices(np.arange(npart), k=C.shape[0])) elif part_method == "louvain": C = nx.to_numpy(C0) graph = from_numpy_array(C) part_sets = louvain_communities(graph, seed=random_state) part = np.zeros(n) for iset_, set_ in enumerate(part_sets): set_ = list(set_) part[set_] = iset_ elif part_method == "fluid": C = nx.to_numpy(C0) graph = from_numpy_array(C) part_sets = asyn_fluidc(graph, npart, seed=random_state) part = np.zeros(n) for iset_, set_ in enumerate(part_sets): set_ = list(set_) part[set_] = iset_ elif part_method == "spectral": C = nx.to_numpy(C0) sc = SpectralClustering( n_clusters=npart, random_state=random_state, affinity="precomputed" ).fit(C) part = sc.labels_ elif part_method in ["GW", "FGW"]: raise ValueError(f"`part_method == {part_method}` not implemented yet.") else: raise ValueError( f""" Unknown `part_method='{part_method}'`. Use one of: {"random", "louvain", "fluid", "spectral", "GW", "FGW"}. """ ) return nx.from_numpy(part, type_as=C0)
[docs] def get_graph_representants(C, part, rep_method="pagerank", random_state=0, nx=None): r""" Get representative node for each partition given by :math:`\mathbf{part} \in R^{n}` of a graph with structure matrix :math:`\mathbf{C} \in R^{n \times n}`. Selection is either done randomly or using 'pagerank' algorithm from networkx. Parameters ---------- C : array-like, shape (n, n) structure matrix. part : array-like, shape (n,) Array of partition assignment for each node. rep_method : str, optional. Default is 'pagerank'. Selection method for representant in each partition. Can be either 'random' i.e random sampling within each partition, or 'pagerank' to select a node with maximal pagerank. random_state: int, optional Random seed for the partitioning algorithm nx : backend, optional POT backend Returns ------- rep_indices : list, shape (npart,) indices for representative node of each partition sorted according to partition identifiers. References ---------- .. [68] Chowdhury, S., Miller, D., & Needham, T. (2021). Quantized gromov-wasserstein. ECML PKDD 2021. Springer International Publishing. """ if nx is None: nx = get_backend(C, part) rep_indices = [] part_ids = nx.unique(part) n_part_ids = part_ids.shape[0] if n_part_ids == C.shape[0]: rep_indices = nx.arange(n_part_ids) elif rep_method == "random": random.seed(random_state) for id_, part_id in enumerate(part_ids): indices = nx.where(part == part_id)[0] rep_indices.append(random.choice(indices)) elif rep_method == "pagerank": C0, part0 = C, part C = nx.to_numpy(C0) part = nx.to_numpy(part0) part_ids = np.unique(part) for id_ in part_ids: indices = np.where(part == id_)[0] C_id = C[indices, :][:, indices] graph = from_numpy_array(C_id) pagerank_values = list(pagerank(graph).values()) rep_idx = np.argmax(pagerank_values) rep_indices.append(indices[rep_idx]) else: raise ValueError( f""" Unknown `rep_method='{rep_method}'`. Use one of: {"random", "pagerank"}. """ ) return rep_indices
[docs] def format_partitioned_graph( C, p, part, rep_indices, F=None, M=None, alpha=1.0, nx=None ): r""" Format an attributed graph :math:`(\mathbf{C}, \mathbf{F}, \mathbf{p})` with structure matrix :math:`(\mathbf{C} \in R^{n \times n}`, feature matrix :math:`(\mathbf{F} \in R^{n \times d}` and node relative importance :math:`(\mathbf{p} \in \Sigma_n`, into a partitioned attributed graph taking into account partitions and representants :math:`\mathcal{P} = \left{(\mathbf{P_{i}}, \mathbf{r_{i}})\right}_i`. Parameters ---------- C : array-like, shape (n, n) Structure matrix. p : array-like, shape (n,), Node distribution. part : array-like, shape (n,) Array of partition assignment for each node. rep_indices : list of array-like of ints, shape (npart,) indices for representative node of each partition sorted according to partition identifiers. F : array-like, shape (n, d), optional. (Default is None) Optional feature matrix aligned with the graph structure. M : array-like, shape (n, n), optional. (Default is None) Optional pairwise similarity matrix between features. alpha: float, optional. Default is 1. Trade-off parameter in :math:`]0, 1]` between structure and features. If `alpha = 1` features are ignored. This trade-off is taken into account into the outputted relations between nodes and representants. nx : backend, optional POT backend Returns ------- CR : array-like, shape (npart, npart) Structure matrix between partition representants. list_R : list of npart arrays, List of relations between a representant and nodes in its partition, for each partition. list_p : list of npart arrays, List of node distributions within each partition. FR : array-like, shape (npart, d), if `F != None`. Feature matrix of representants. References ---------- .. [68] Chowdhury, S., Miller, D., & Needham, T. (2021). Quantized gromov-wasserstein. ECML PKDD 2021. Springer International Publishing. """ if nx is None: arr = [C, p, part] if F is not None: arr.append(F) if M is not None: arr.append(M) nx = get_backend(*arr) if alpha != 1.0: if (M is None) or (F is None): raise ValueError( f""" `alpha == {alpha} != 1` but features information is not properly provided. """ ) CR = C[rep_indices, :][:, rep_indices] if alpha != 1.0: C_new = alpha * C + (1 - alpha) * M else: C_new = C list_R, list_p = [], [] part_ids = nx.unique(part) for id_, part_id in enumerate(part_ids): indices = nx.where(part == part_id)[0] list_R.append(C_new[rep_indices[id_], indices]) list_p.append(p[indices]) if F is None: return CR, list_R, list_p else: FR = F[rep_indices, :] return CR, list_R, list_p, FR
[docs] def quantized_fused_gromov_wasserstein( C1, C2, npart1, npart2, p=None, q=None, C1_aux=None, C2_aux=None, F1=None, F2=None, alpha=1.0, part_method="fluid", rep_method="random", log=False, armijo=False, max_iter=1e4, tol_rel=1e-9, tol_abs=1e-9, random_state=0, **kwargs, ): r""" Returns the quantized Fused Gromov-Wasserstein transport between :math:`(\mathbf{C_1}, \mathbf{F_1}, \mathbf{p})` and :math:`(\mathbf{C_2}, \mathbf{F_2}, \mathbf{q})`, whose samples are assigned to partitions and representants :math:`\mathcal{P_1} = \{(\mathbf{P_{1, i}}, \mathbf{r_{1, i}})\}_{i \leq npart1}` and :math:`\mathcal{P_2} = \{(\mathbf{P_{2, j}}, \mathbf{r_{2, j}})\}_{j \leq npart2}`. The function estimates the following optimization problem: .. math:: \mathbf{T}^* \in \mathop{\arg \min}_\mathbf{T} \quad \alpha \sum_{i,j,k,l} L(\mathbf{C_1}_{i,k}, \mathbf{C_2}_{j,l}) \mathbf{T}_{i,j} \mathbf{T}_{k,l} + (1-\alpha) \langle \mathbf{T}, \mathbf{D}(\mathbf{F_1}, \mathbf{F}_2) \rangle_F s.t. \ \mathbf{T} \mathbf{1} &= \mathbf{p} \mathbf{T}^T \mathbf{1} &= \mathbf{q} \mathbf{T} &\geq 0 \mathbf{T}_{|\mathbf{P_{1, i}}, \mathbf{P_{2, j}}} &= T^{g}_{ij} \mathbf{T}^{(i,j)} using a two-step strategy computing: i) a global alignment :math:`\mathbf{T}^{g}` between representants across joint structure and feature spaces; ii) local alignments :math:`\mathbf{T}^{(i, j)}` between partitions :math:`\mathbf{P_{1, i}}` and :math:`\mathbf{P_{2, j}}` seen as 1D measures. Where : - :math:`\mathbf{C_1}`: Metric cost matrix in the source space - :math:`\mathbf{C_2}`: Metric cost matrix in the target space - :math:`\mathbf{F_1}`: Feature matrix in the source space - :math:`\mathbf{F_2}`: Feature matrix in the target space - :math:`\mathbf{D}(\mathbf{F_1}, \mathbf{F_2})`: Pairwise euclidean distance matrix between features - :math:`\mathbf{p}`: distribution in the source space - :math:`\mathbf{q}`: distribution in the target space - :math:`L`: quadratic loss function to account for the misfit between the similarity matrices .. note:: This function is backend-compatible and will work on arrays from all compatible backends. But the algorithm uses the C++ CPU backend which can lead to copy overhead on GPU arrays. .. note:: All computations in the conjugate gradient solver are done with numpy to limit memory overhead. Parameters ---------- C1 : array-like, shape (ns, ns) Structure matrix in the source space. C2 : array-like, shape (nt, nt) Structure matrix in the target space. npart1 : int, number of partition in the source space. npart2 : int, number of partition in the target space. p : array-like, shape (ns,), optional Distribution in the source space. If let to its default value None, uniform distribution is taken. q : array-like, shape (nt,), optional Distribution in the target space. If let to its default value None, uniform distribution is taken. C1_aux : array-like, shape (ns, ns), optional. Default is None. Auxiliary structure matrix in the source space to perform the partitioning and representant selection. C2_aux : array-like, shape (nt, nt), optional. Default is None. Auxiliary structure matrix in the target space to perform the partitioning and representant selection. F1 : array-like, shape (ns, d), optional. Default is None. Feature matrix in the source space. F2 : array-like, shape (nt, d), optional. Default is None. Feature matrix in the target space alpha: float, optional. Default is 1. FGW trade-off parameter in :math:`]0, 1]` between structure and features. If `alpha = 1` features are ignored hence computing qGW, if `alpha=0` structures are ignored and we compute the quantized Wasserstein transport. part_method : str, optional. Default is 'spectral'. Partitioning algorithm to use among {'random', 'louvain', 'fluid', 'spectral', 'louvain_fused', 'fluid_fused', 'spectral_fused', 'GW', 'FGW'}. If part_method in {'louvain_fused', 'fluid_fused', 'spectral_fused'}, corresponding graph partitioning algorithm {'louvain', 'fluid', 'spectral'} will be used on the modified structure matrix :math:`\alpha \mathbf{C} + (1 - \alpha) \mathbf{D}(\mathbf{F})` where :math:`\mathbf{D}(\mathbf{F})` is the pairwise euclidean matrix between features. If part_method in {'GW', 'FGW'}, a (F)GW projection is used. If the louvain algorithm is used, the requested number of partitions is ignored. rep_method : str, optional. Default is 'pagerank'. Selection method for node representant in each partition. Can be either 'random' i.e random sampling within each partition, {'pagerank', 'pagerank_fused'} to select a node with maximal pagerank w.r.t :math:`\mathbf{C}` or :math:`\alpha \mathbf{C} + (1 - \alpha) \mathbf{D}(\mathbf{F})`. verbose : bool, optional Print information along iterations log : bool, optional record log if True armijo : bool, optional If True the step of the line-search is found via an armijo research. Else closed form is used. If there are convergence issues use False. max_iter : int, optional Max number of iterations tol_rel : float, optional Stop threshold on relative error (>0) tol_abs : float, optional Stop threshold on absolute error (>0) random_state: int, optional Random seed for the partitioning algorithm **kwargs : dict parameters can be directly passed to the solver Returns ------- T_global: array-like, shape (`npart1`, `npart2`) Fused Gromov-Wasserstein alignment :math:`\mathbf{T}^{g}` between representants. Ts_local: dict of local OT matrices. Dictionary with keys :math:`(i, j)` corresponding to 1D OT between :math:`\mathbf{P_{1, i}}` and :math:`\mathbf{P_{2, j}}` if :math:`T^{g}_{ij} \neq 0`. T: array-like, shape `(ns, nt)` Coupling between the two spaces. log : dict Convergence information for inner problems and qGW loss. References ---------- .. [68] Chowdhury, S., Miller, D., & Needham, T. (2021). Quantized gromov-wasserstein. ECML PKDD 2021. Springer International Publishing. """ if part_method in ["fluid", "louvain", "fluid_fused", "louvain_fused"] or ( rep_method in ["pagerank", "pagerank_fused"] ): if not networkx_import: warnings.warn( f""" Networkx is not installed, so part_method={part_method} and/or rep_method={rep_method} cannot be used and are set to `random` default methods. Consider installing Networkx to fix this. """ ) part_method = "random" rep_method = "random" if (part_method in ["spectral", "spectral_fused"]) and (not sklearn_import): warnings.warn( f""" Scikit-learn is not installed, so part_method={part_method} and/or rep_method={rep_method} cannot be used and are set to `random` default methods. Consider installing Scikit-learn to fix this. """ ) part_method = "random" rep_method = "random" if ("fused" in part_method) or ("fused" in rep_method) or (part_method == "FGW"): if (F1 is None) or (F2 is None): raise ValueError( f""" `part_method='{part_method}'` and/or `rep_method='{rep_method}'` require feature matrices which are not provided as inputs. """ ) arr = [C1, C2] if C1_aux is not None: arr.append(C1_aux) else: C1_aux = C1 if C2_aux is not None: arr.append(C2_aux) else: C2_aux = C2 if p is not None: arr.append(list_to_array(p)) else: p = unif(C1.shape[0], type_as=C1) if q is not None: arr.append(list_to_array(q)) else: q = unif(C2.shape[0], type_as=C1) if F1 is not None: arr.append(F1) if F2 is not None: arr.append(F1) nx = get_backend(*arr) DF1 = None DF2 = None # compute attributed graph partitions potentially using the auxiliary structure if "fused" in part_method: DF1 = dist(F1, F1) DF2 = dist(F2, F2) C1_new = alpha * C1_aux + (1 - alpha) * DF1 C2_new = alpha * C2_aux + (1 - alpha) * DF2 part_method_ = part_method[:-6] part1 = get_graph_partition( C1_new, npart1, part_method_, random_state=random_state, nx=nx ) part2 = get_graph_partition( C2_new, npart2, part_method_, random_state=random_state, nx=nx ) else: part1 = get_graph_partition( C1_aux, npart1, part_method, F1, alpha, random_state, nx ) part2 = get_graph_partition( C2_aux, npart2, part_method, F2, alpha, random_state, nx ) if "fused" in rep_method: if DF1 is None: DF1 = dist(F1, F1) DF2 = dist(F2, F2) C1_new = alpha * C1_aux + (1 - alpha) * DF1 C2_new = alpha * C2_aux + (1 - alpha) * DF2 rep_method_ = rep_method[:-6] rep_indices1 = get_graph_representants( C1_new, part1, rep_method_, random_state, nx ) rep_indices2 = get_graph_representants( C2_new, part2, rep_method_, random_state, nx ) else: rep_indices1 = get_graph_representants( C1_aux, part1, rep_method, random_state, nx ) rep_indices2 = get_graph_representants( C2_aux, part2, rep_method, random_state, nx ) # format partitions over (C1, F1) and (C2, F2) if (F1 is None) and (F2 is None): CR1, list_R1, list_p1 = format_partitioned_graph( C1, p, part1, rep_indices1, nx=nx ) CR2, list_R2, list_p2 = format_partitioned_graph( C2, q, part2, rep_indices2, nx=nx ) MR = None else: if DF1 is None: DF1 = dist(F1, F1) DF2 = dist(F2, F2) CR1, list_R1, list_p1, FR1 = format_partitioned_graph( C1, p, part1, rep_indices1, F1, DF1, alpha, nx ) CR2, list_R2, list_p2, FR2 = format_partitioned_graph( C2, q, part2, rep_indices2, F2, DF2, alpha, nx ) MR = dist(FR1, FR2) # call to partitioned quantized fused gromov-wasserstein solver res = quantized_fused_gromov_wasserstein_partitioned( CR1, CR2, list_R1, list_R2, list_p1, list_p2, MR, alpha, build_OT=True, log=log, armijo=armijo, max_iter=max_iter, tol_rel=tol_rel, tol_abs=tol_abs, nx=nx, **kwargs, ) if log: T_global, Ts_local, T, log_ = res # compute the transport cost on structures constC, hC1, hC2 = init_matrix(C1, C2, p, q, "square_loss", nx) structure_cost = gwloss(constC, hC1, hC2, T, nx) if alpha != 1.0: M = dist(F1, F2) feature_cost = nx.sum(M * T) else: feature_cost = 0.0 log_["qFGW_dist"] = alpha * structure_cost + (1 - alpha) * feature_cost return T_global, Ts_local, T, log_ else: T_global, Ts_local, T = res return T_global, Ts_local, T
[docs] def get_partition_and_representants_samples( X, npart, method="kmeans", random_state=0, nx=None ): r""" Compute `npart` partitions and representants over samples :math:`\mathbf{X} \in R^{n \times d}` using either a random or a kmeans algorithm. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape (n, d) Samples endowed with an euclidean geometry. npart : int, number of partitions smaller than the number of samples in :math:`\mathbf{X}`. method : str, optional. Default is 'kmeans'. Partitioning and representant selection algorithms to use among {'random', 'kmeans'}. 'random' for random sampling of points; 'kmeans' for k-means clustering using scikit-learn implementation where closest points to centroids are considered as representants. random_state: int, optional Random seed for the partitioning algorithm. nx : backend, optional POT backend. Returns ------- part : array-like, shape (npart,) Array of partition assignment for each node. rep_indices : list, shape (npart,) indices for representative node of each partition sorted according to partition identifiers. References ---------- .. [68] Chowdhury, S., Miller, D., & Needham, T. (2021). Quantized gromov-wasserstein. ECML PKDD 2021. Springer International Publishing. """ if nx is None: nx = get_backend(X) n = X.shape[0] X0 = X if npart >= n: warnings.warn( "Requested number of partitions higher than the number of nodes" "hence we enforce each node to be a partition.", stacklevel=2, ) part = nx.arange(n) rep_indices = nx.arange(n) elif npart == 1: random.seed(random_state) part = nx.zeros(n) rep_indices = [random.choice(nx.arange(n))] elif method == "random": # randomly partition the space random.seed(random_state) part = list_to_array(random.choices(np.arange(npart), k=X.shape[0])) part = nx.from_numpy(part, type_as=X0) # randomly select representant in each partition rep_indices = [] part_ids = nx.unique(part) for id_, part_id in enumerate(part_ids): indices = nx.where(part == part_id)[0] rep_indices.append(random.choice(indices)) elif method == "kmeans": X = nx.to_numpy(X0) km = KMeans(n_clusters=npart, random_state=random_state).fit(X) part = nx.from_numpy(km.labels_, type_as=X0) rep_indices = [] for part_id in range(npart): indices = nx.where(part == part_id)[0] dists = dist(X[indices], km.cluster_centers_[part_id][None, :]) best_idx = indices[dists.argmin()] rep_indices.append(best_idx) else: raise ValueError( f""" Unknown `method='{method}'`. Use one of: {"random", "kmeans"} """ ) return part, rep_indices
[docs] def format_partitioned_samples(X, p, part, rep_indices, F=None, alpha=1.0, nx=None): r""" Format an attributed graph :math:`(\mathbf{D}(\mathbf{X}), \mathbf{F}, \mathbf{p})` with euclidean structure matrix :math:`(\mathbf{D}(\mathbf{X}) \in R^{n \times n}`, feature matrix :math:`(\mathbf{F} \in R^{n \times d}` and node relative importance :math:`(\mathbf{p} \in \Sigma_n`, into a partitioned attributed graph taking into account partitions and representants :math:`\mathcal{P} = \left{(\mathbf{P_{i}}, \mathbf{r_{i}})\right}_i`. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape (n, d) Structure matrix. p : array-like, shape (n,), Node distribution. part : array-like, shape (n,) Array of partition assignment for each node. rep_indices : list of array-like of ints, shape (npart,) indices for representative node of each partition sorted according to partition identifiers. F : array-like, shape (n, p), optional. (Default is None) Optional feature matrix aligned with the samples. alpha: float, optional. Default is 1. Trade-off parameter in :math:`]0, 1]` between structure and features. If `alpha = 1` features are ignored. This trade-off is taken into account into the outputted relations between nodes and representants. nx : backend, optional POT backend Returns ------- CR : array-like, shape (npart, npart) Structure matrix between partition representants. list_R : list of npart arrays, List of relations between a representant and nodes in its partition, for each partition. list_p : list of npart arrays, List of node distributions within each partition. FR : array-like, shape (npart, d), if `F != None`. Feature matrix of representants. References ---------- .. [68] Chowdhury, S., Miller, D., & Needham, T. (2021). Quantized gromov-wasserstein. ECML PKDD 2021. Springer International Publishing. """ if nx is None: arr = [X, p, part] if F is not None: arr.append(F) nx = get_backend(*arr) if alpha != 1.0: if F is None: raise ValueError( f""" `alpha == {alpha} != 1` but features information is not properly provided. """ ) XR = X[rep_indices, :] CR = dist(XR, XR) list_R, list_p = [], [] part_ids = nx.unique(part) for id_, part_id in enumerate(part_ids): indices = nx.where(part == part_id)[0] structure_R = dist(X[indices], X[rep_indices[id_]][None, :]) if alpha != 1: features_R = dist(F[indices], F[rep_indices[id_]][None, :]) else: features_R = 0.0 list_R.append(alpha * structure_R + (1 - alpha) * features_R) list_p.append(p[indices]) if F is None: return CR, list_R, list_p else: FR = F[rep_indices, :] return CR, list_R, list_p, FR
[docs] def quantized_fused_gromov_wasserstein_samples( X1, X2, npart1, npart2, p=None, q=None, F1=None, F2=None, alpha=1.0, method="kmeans", log=False, armijo=False, max_iter=1e4, tol_rel=1e-9, tol_abs=1e-9, random_state=0, **kwargs, ): r""" Returns the quantized Fused Gromov-Wasserstein transport between samples endowed with their respective euclidean geometry :math:`(\mathbf{D}(\mathbf{X_1}), \mathbf{F_1}, \mathbf{p})` and :math:`(\mathbf{D}(\mathbf{X_1}), \mathbf{F_2}, \mathbf{q})`, whose samples are assigned to partitions and representants :math:`\mathcal{P_1} = \{(\mathbf{P_{1, i}}, \mathbf{r_{1, i}})\}_{i \leq npart1}` and :math:`\mathcal{P_2} = \{(\mathbf{P_{2, j}}, \mathbf{r_{2, j}})\}_{j \leq npart2}`. The function estimates the following optimization problem: .. math:: \mathbf{T}^* \in \mathop{\arg \min}_\mathbf{T} \quad \alpha \sum_{i,j,k,l} L(\mathbf{D}(\mathbf{X_1})_{i,k}, \mathbf{D}(\mathbf{X_2})_{j,l}) \mathbf{T}_{i,j} \mathbf{T}_{k,l} + (1-\alpha) \langle \mathbf{T}, \mathbf{D}(\mathbf{F_1}, \mathbf{F}_2) \rangle_F s.t. \ \mathbf{T} \mathbf{1} &= \mathbf{p} \mathbf{T}^T \mathbf{1} &= \mathbf{q} \mathbf{T} &\geq 0 \mathbf{T}_{|\mathbf{P_{1, i}}, \mathbf{P_{2, j}}} &= T^{g}_{ij} \mathbf{T}^{(i,j)} using a two-step strategy computing: i) a global alignment :math:`\mathbf{T}^{g}` between representants across joint structure and feature spaces; ii) local alignments :math:`\mathbf{T}^{(i, j)}` between partitions :math:`\mathbf{P_{1, i}}` and :math:`\mathbf{P_{2, j}}` seen as 1D measures. Where : - :math:`\mathbf{X_1}`: Samples in the source space - :math:`\mathbf{X_2}`: Samples in the target space - :math:`\mathbf{F_1}`: Feature matrix in the source space - :math:`\mathbf{F_2}`: Feature matrix in the target space - :math:`\mathbf{D}(\mathbf{F_1}, \mathbf{F_2})`: Pairwise euclidean distance matrix between features - :math:`\mathbf{p}`: distribution in the source space - :math:`\mathbf{q}`: distribution in the target space - :math:`L`: quadratic loss function to account for the misfit between the similarity matrices .. note:: This function is backend-compatible and will work on arrays from all compatible backends. But the algorithm uses the C++ CPU backend which can lead to copy overhead on GPU arrays. .. note:: All computations in the conjugate gradient solver are done with numpy to limit memory overhead. Parameters ---------- X1 : array-like, shape (ns, ds) Samples in the source space. X2 : array-like, shape (nt, dt) Samples in the target space. npart1 : int, number of partition in the source space. npart2 : int, number of partition in the target space. p : array-like, shape (ns,), optional Distribution in the source space. If let to its default value None, uniform distribution is taken. q : array-like, shape (nt,), optional Distribution in the target space. If let to its default value None, uniform distribution is taken. F1 : array-like, shape (ns, d), optional. Default is None. Feature matrix in the source space. F2 : array-like, shape (nt, d), optional. Default is None. Feature matrix in the target space alpha: float, optional. Default is 1. FGW trade-off parameter in :math:`]0, 1]` between structure and features. If `alpha = 1` features are ignored hence computing qGW, if `alpha=0` structures are ignored and we compute the quantized Wasserstein transport. method : str, optional. Default is 'kmeans'. Partitioning and representant selection algorithms to use among {'random', 'kmeans', 'kmeans_fused'}. If `part_method == 'kmeans_fused'`, kmeans is performed on augmented samples :math:`[\alpha \mathbf{X}; (1 - \alpha) \mathbf{F}]`. verbose : bool, optional Print information along iterations log : bool, optional record log if True armijo : bool, optional If True the step of the line-search is found via an armijo research. Else closed form is used. If there are convergence issues use False. max_iter : int, optional Max number of iterations tol_rel : float, optional Stop threshold on relative error (>0) tol_abs : float, optional Stop threshold on absolute error (>0) random_state: int, optional Random seed for the partitioning algorithm **kwargs : dict parameters can be directly passed to the solver Returns ------- T_global: array-like, shape (`npart1`, `npart2`) Fused Gromov-Wasserstein alignment :math:`\mathbf{T}^{g}` between representants. Ts_local: dict of local OT matrices. Dictionary with keys :math:`(i, j)` corresponding to 1D OT between :math:`\mathbf{P_{1, i}}` and :math:`\mathbf{P_{2, j}}` if :math:`T^{g}_{ij} \neq 0`. T: array-like, shape `(ns, nt)` Coupling between the two spaces. log : dict Convergence information for inner problems and qGW loss. References ---------- .. [68] Chowdhury, S., Miller, D., & Needham, T. (2021). Quantized gromov-wasserstein. ECML PKDD 2021. Springer International Publishing. """ if (method in ["kmeans", "kmeans_fused"]) and (not sklearn_import): warnings.warn( f""" Scikit-learn is not installed, so method={method} cannot be used and is set to `random` default methods. Consider installing Scikit-learn to fix this. """ ) method = "random" if ("fused" in method) and ((F1 is None) or (F2 is None)): raise ValueError( f""" `method='{method}'` requires feature matrices which are not provided as inputs. """ ) arr = [X1, X2] if p is not None: arr.append(list_to_array(p)) else: p = unif(X1.shape[0], type_as=X1) if q is not None: arr.append(list_to_array(q)) else: q = unif(X2.shape[0], type_as=X1) if F1 is not None: arr.append(F1) if F2 is not None: arr.append(F1) nx = get_backend(*arr) # compute attributed partitions and representants if ("fused" in method) and (alpha != 1.0): X1_new = nx.concatenate([alpha * X1, (1 - alpha) * F1], axis=1) X2_new = nx.concatenate([alpha * X2, (1 - alpha) * F2], axis=1) method_ = method[:-6] else: X1_new, X2_new = X1, X2 method_ = method part1, rep_indices1 = get_partition_and_representants_samples( X1_new, npart1, method_, random_state, nx ) part2, rep_indices2 = get_partition_and_representants_samples( X2_new, npart2, method_, random_state, nx ) # format partitions over (C1, F1) and (C2, F2) if (F1 is None) and (F2 is None): CR1, list_R1, list_p1 = format_partitioned_samples( X1, p, part1, rep_indices1, nx=nx ) CR2, list_R2, list_p2 = format_partitioned_samples( X2, q, part2, rep_indices2, nx=nx ) MR = None else: CR1, list_R1, list_p1, FR1 = format_partitioned_samples( X1, p, part1, rep_indices1, F1, alpha, nx ) CR2, list_R2, list_p2, FR2 = format_partitioned_samples( X2, q, part2, rep_indices2, F2, alpha, nx ) MR = dist(FR1, FR2) # call to partitioned quantized fused gromov-wasserstein solver res = quantized_fused_gromov_wasserstein_partitioned( CR1, CR2, list_R1, list_R2, list_p1, list_p2, MR, alpha, build_OT=True, log=log, armijo=armijo, max_iter=max_iter, tol_rel=tol_rel, tol_abs=tol_abs, nx=nx, **kwargs, ) if log: T_global, Ts_local, T, log_ = res C1 = dist(X1, X1) C2 = dist(X2, X2) # compute the transport cost on structures constC, hC1, hC2 = init_matrix(C1, C2, p, q, "square_loss", nx) structure_cost = gwloss(constC, hC1, hC2, T, nx) if alpha != 1.0: M = dist(F1, F2) feature_cost = nx.sum(M * T) else: feature_cost = 0.0 log_["qFGW_dist"] = alpha * structure_cost + (1 - alpha) * feature_cost return T_global, Ts_local, T, log_ else: T_global, Ts_local, T = res return T_global, Ts_local, T