# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Optimal Transport maps and variants
.. warning::
Note that by default the module is not imported in :mod:`ot`. In order to
use it you need to explicitly import :mod:`ot.mapping`
# Author: Eloi Tanguy <eloi.tanguy@u-paris.fr>
# Remi Flamary <remi.flamary@unice.fr>
# License: MIT License
from .backend import get_backend, to_numpy
from .lp import emd
import numpy as np
from .optim import cg
from .utils import dist, unif, list_to_array, kernel, dots
def nearest_brenier_potential_fit(
Computes optimal values and gradients at X for a strongly convex potential :math:`\varphi` with Lipschitz gradients
on the partitions defined by `X_classes`, where :math:`\varphi` is optimal such that
:math:`\nabla \varphi \#\mu \approx \nu`, given samples :math:`X = x_1, \cdots, x_n \sim \mu` and
:math:`V = v_1, \cdots, v_n \sim \nu`. Finding such a potential that has the desired regularity on the
partition :math:`(E_k)_{k \in [K]}` (given by the classes `X_classes`) is equivalent to finding optimal values
`phi` for the :math:`\varphi(x_i)` and its gradients :math:`\nabla \varphi(x_i)` (variable`G`).
In practice, these optimal values are found by solving the following problem
.. math::
\text{min} \sum_{i,j}\pi_{i,j}\|g_i - v_j\|_2^2 \\
g_1,\cdots, g_n \in \mathbb{R}^d,\; \varphi_1, \cdots, \varphi_n \in \mathbb{R},\; \pi \in \Pi(a, b) \\
\text{s.t.}\ \forall k \in [K],\; \forall i,j \in I_k: \\
\varphi_i-\varphi_j-\langle g_j, x_i-x_j\rangle \geq c_1\|g_i - g_j\|_2^2
+ c_2\|x_i-x_j\|_2^2 - c_3\langle g_j-g_i, x_j -x_i \rangle.
The constants :math:`c_1, c_2, c_3` only depend on `strongly_convex_constant` and `gradient_lipschitz_constant`.
The constraint :math:`\pi \in \Pi(a, b)` denotes the fact that the matrix :math:`\pi` belong to the OT polytope
of marginals a and b. :math:`I_k` is the subset of :math:`[n]` of the i such that :math:`x_i` is in the
partition (or class) :math:`E_k`, i.e. `X_classes[i] == k`.
This problem is solved by alternating over the variable :math:`\pi` and the variables :math:`\varphi_i, g_i`.
For :math:`\pi`, the problem is the standard discrete OT problem, and for :math:`\varphi_i, g_i`, the
problem is a convex QCQP solved using :code:`cvxpy` (ECOS solver).
Accepts any compatible backend, but will perform the QCQP optimisation on Numpy arrays, and convert back at the end.
.. warning:: This function requires the CVXPY library
.. warning:: Accepts any backend but will convert to Numpy then back to the backend.
X : array-like (n, d)
reference points used to compute the optimal values phi and G
V : array-like (n, d)
values of the gradients at the reference points X
X_classes : array-like (n,), optional
classes of the reference points, defaults to a single class
a : array-like (n,), optional
weights for the reference points X, defaults to uniform
b : array-like (n,), optional
weights for the target points V, defaults to uniform
strongly_convex_constant : float, optional
constant for the strong convexity of the input potential phi, defaults to 0.6
gradient_lipschitz_constant : float, optional
constant for the Lipschitz property of the input gradient G, defaults to 1.4
its: int, optional
number of iterations, defaults to 100
log : bool, optional
record log if true
init_method : str, optional
'target' initialises G=V, 'barycentric' initialises at the image of X by the barycentric projection
phi : array-like (n,)
optimal values of the potential at the points X
G : array-like (n, d)
optimal values of the gradients at the points X
log : dict, optional
If input log is true, a dictionary containing the values of the variables at each iteration, as well
as solver information
.. [58] François-Pierre Paty, Alexandre d’Aspremont, and Marco Cuturi. Regularity as regularization:
Smooth and strongly convex brenier potentials in optimal transport. In International Conference
on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, pages 1222–1232. PMLR, 2020.
See Also
ot.mapping.nearest_brenier_potential_predict_bounds : Predicting SSNB images on new source data
ot.da.NearestBrenierPotential : BaseTransport wrapper for SSNB
import cvxpy as cvx
except ImportError:
print("Please install CVXPY to use this function")
assert (
X.shape == V.shape
), f"point shape should be the same as value shape, yet {X.shape} != {V.shape}"
nx = get_backend(X, V, X_classes, a, b)
X, V = to_numpy(X), to_numpy(V)
n, d = X.shape
if X_classes is not None:
X_classes = to_numpy(X_classes)
assert X_classes.size == n, "incorrect number of class items"
X_classes = np.zeros(n)
a = unif(n) if a is None else nx.to_numpy(a)
b = unif(n) if b is None else nx.to_numpy(b)
assert a.shape[-1] == b.shape[-1] == n, "incorrect measure weight sizes"
assert init_method in [
], f"Unsupported initialization method '{init_method}'"
if init_method == "target":
G_val = V
else: # Init G_val with barycentric projection
G_val = emd(a, b, dist(X, V)) @ V / a.reshape(n, 1)
phi_val = None
log_dict = {"G_list": [], "phi_list": [], "its": []}
for _ in range(its): # alternate optimisation iterations
cost_matrix = dist(G_val, V)
# optimise the plan
plan = emd(a, b, cost_matrix)
# optimise the values phi and the gradients G
phi = cvx.Variable(n)
G = cvx.Variable((n, d))
constraints = []
cost = 0
for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
cost += cvx.sum_squares(G[i, :] - V[j, :]) * plan[i, j]
objective = cvx.Minimize(cost) # OT cost
c1, c2, c3 = _ssnb_qcqp_constants(
strongly_convex_constant, gradient_lipschitz_constant
for k in np.unique(X_classes): # constraints for the convex interpolation
for i in np.where(X_classes == k)[0]:
for j in np.where(X_classes == k)[0]:
constraints += [
>= phi[j]
+ G[j].T @ (X[i] - X[j])
+ c1 * cvx.sum_squares(G[i] - G[j])
+ c2 * cvx.sum_squares(X[i] - X[j])
- c3 * (G[j] - G[i]).T @ (X[j] - X[i])
problem = cvx.Problem(objective, constraints)
phi_val, G_val = phi.value, G.value
it_log_dict = {
"solve_time": problem.solver_stats.solve_time,
"setup_time": problem.solver_stats.setup_time,
"num_iters": problem.solver_stats.num_iters,
"status": problem.status,
"value": problem.value,
if log:
# convert back to backend
phi_val = nx.from_numpy(phi_val)
G_val = nx.from_numpy(G_val)
if not log:
return phi_val, G_val
return phi_val, G_val, log_dict
def _ssnb_qcqp_constants(strongly_convex_constant, gradient_lipschitz_constant):
Handy function computing the constants for the Nearest Brenier Potential QCQP problems
strongly_convex_constant : float
gradient_lipschitz_constant : float
c1 : float
c2 : float
c3 : float
assert (
0 < strongly_convex_constant < gradient_lipschitz_constant
), "incompatible regularity assumption"
c = 1 / (2 * (1 - strongly_convex_constant / gradient_lipschitz_constant))
c1 = c / gradient_lipschitz_constant
c2 = strongly_convex_constant * c
c3 = 2 * strongly_convex_constant * c / gradient_lipschitz_constant
return c1, c2, c3
def nearest_brenier_potential_predict_bounds(
Compute the values of the lower and upper bounding potentials at the input points Y, using the potential optimal
values phi at X and their gradients G at X. The 'lower' potential corresponds to the method from :ref:`[58]`,
Equation 2, while the bounding property and 'upper' potential come from :ref:`[59]`, Theorem 3.14 (taking into
account the fact that this theorem's statement has a min instead of a max, which is a typo). Both potentials are
optimal for the SSNB problem.
If :math:`I_k` is the subset of :math:`[n]` of the i such that :math:`x_i` is in the partition (or class)
:math:`E_k`, for each :math:`y \in E_k`, this function solves the convex QCQP problems,
respectively for l: 'lower' and u: 'upper':
.. math::
(\varphi_{l}(x), \nabla \varphi_l(x)) = \text{argmin}\ t, \\
t\in \mathbb{R},\; g\in \mathbb{R}^d, \\
\text{s.t.} \forall j \in I_k,\; t-\varphi_j - \langle g_j, y-x_j \rangle \geq c_1\|g - g_j\|_2^2
+ c_2\|y-x_j\|_2^2 - c_3\langle g_j-g, x_j -y \rangle.
.. math::
(\varphi_{u}(x), \nabla \varphi_u(x)) = \text{argmax}\ t, \\
t\in \mathbb{R},\; g\in \mathbb{R}^d, \\
\text{s.t.} \forall i \in I_k,\; \varphi_i^* -t - \langle g, x_i-y \rangle \geq c_1\|g_i - g\|_2^2
+ c_2\|x_i-y\|_2^2 - c_3\langle g-g_i, y -x_i \rangle.
The constants :math:`c_1, c_2, c_3` only depend on `strongly_convex_constant` and `gradient_lipschitz_constant`.
.. warning:: This function requires the CVXPY library
.. warning:: Accepts any backend but will convert to Numpy then back to the backend.
X : array-like (n, d)
reference points used to compute the optimal values phi and G
X_classes : array-like (n,)
classes of the reference points
phi : array-like (n,)
optimal values of the potential at the points X
G : array-like (n, d)
optimal values of the gradients at the points X
Y : array-like (m, d)
input points
X_classes : array-like (n,), optional
classes of the reference points, defaults to a single class
Y_classes : array_like (m,), optional
classes of the input points, defaults to a single class
strongly_convex_constant : float, optional
constant for the strong convexity of the input potential phi, defaults to 0.6
gradient_lipschitz_constant : float, optional
constant for the Lipschitz property of the input gradient G, defaults to 1.4
log : bool, optional
record log if true
phi_lu: array-like (2, m)
values of the lower and upper bounding potentials at Y
G_lu: array-like (2, m, d)
gradients of the lower and upper bounding potentials at Y
log : dict, optional
If input log is true, a dictionary containing solver information
.. [58] François-Pierre Paty, Alexandre d’Aspremont, and Marco Cuturi. Regularity as regularization:
Smooth and strongly convex brenier potentials in optimal transport. In International Conference
on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, pages 1222–1232. PMLR, 2020.
.. [59] Adrien B Taylor. Convex interpolation and performance estimation of first-order methods for
convex optimization. PhD thesis, Catholic University of Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium,
See Also
ot.mapping.nearest_brenier_potential_fit : Fitting the SSNB on source and target data
ot.da.NearestBrenierPotential : BaseTransport wrapper for SSNB
import cvxpy as cvx
except ImportError:
print("Please install CVXPY to use this function")
nx = get_backend(X, phi, G, Y)
X = to_numpy(X)
phi = to_numpy(phi)
G = to_numpy(G)
Y = to_numpy(Y)
m, d = Y.shape
if Y_classes is not None:
Y_classes = to_numpy(Y_classes)
assert Y_classes.size == m, "wrong number of class items for Y"
Y_classes = np.zeros(m)
assert (
X.shape[1] == d
), f"incompatible dimensions between X: {X.shape} and Y: {Y.shape}"
n, _ = X.shape
if X_classes is not None:
X_classes = to_numpy(X_classes)
assert X_classes.size == n, "incorrect number of class items"
X_classes = np.zeros(n)
assert X_classes.size == n, "wrong number of class items for X"
c1, c2, c3 = _ssnb_qcqp_constants(
strongly_convex_constant, gradient_lipschitz_constant
phi_lu = np.zeros((2, m))
G_lu = np.zeros((2, m, d))
log_dict = {}
for y_idx in range(m):
log_item = {}
# lower bound
phi_l_y = cvx.Variable(1)
G_l_y = cvx.Variable(d)
objective = cvx.Minimize(phi_l_y)
constraints = []
k = Y_classes[y_idx]
for j in np.where(X_classes == k)[0]:
constraints += [
>= phi[j]
+ G[j].T @ (Y[y_idx] - X[j])
+ c1 * cvx.sum_squares(G_l_y - G[j])
+ c2 * cvx.sum_squares(Y[y_idx] - X[j])
- c3 * (G[j] - G_l_y).T @ (X[j] - Y[y_idx])
problem = cvx.Problem(objective, constraints)
phi_lu[0, y_idx] = phi_l_y.value
G_lu[0, y_idx] = G_l_y.value
if log:
log_item["l"] = {
"solve_time": problem.solver_stats.solve_time,
"setup_time": problem.solver_stats.setup_time,
"num_iters": problem.solver_stats.num_iters,
"status": problem.status,
"value": problem.value,
# upper bound
phi_u_y = cvx.Variable(1)
G_u_y = cvx.Variable(d)
objective = cvx.Maximize(phi_u_y)
constraints = []
for i in np.where(X_classes == k)[0]:
constraints += [
>= phi_u_y
+ G_u_y.T @ (X[i] - Y[y_idx])
+ c1 * cvx.sum_squares(G[i] - G_u_y)
+ c2 * cvx.sum_squares(X[i] - Y[y_idx])
- c3 * (G_u_y - G[i]).T @ (Y[y_idx] - X[i])
problem = cvx.Problem(objective, constraints)
phi_lu[1, y_idx] = phi_u_y.value
G_lu[1, y_idx] = G_u_y.value
if log:
log_item["u"] = {
"solve_time": problem.solver_stats.solve_time,
"setup_time": problem.solver_stats.setup_time,
"num_iters": problem.solver_stats.num_iters,
"status": problem.status,
"value": problem.value,
log_dict[y_idx] = log_item
phi_lu, G_lu = nx.from_numpy(phi_lu), nx.from_numpy(G_lu)
if not log:
return phi_lu, G_lu
return phi_lu, G_lu, log_dict
def joint_OT_mapping_linear(
r"""Joint OT and linear mapping estimation as proposed in
:ref:`[8] <references-joint-OT-mapping-linear>`.
The function solves the following optimization problem:
.. math::
\min_{\gamma,L}\quad \|L(\mathbf{X_s}) - n_s\gamma \mathbf{X_t} \|^2_F +
\mu \langle \gamma, \mathbf{M} \rangle_F + \eta \|L - \mathbf{I}\|^2_F
s.t. \ \gamma \mathbf{1} = \mathbf{a}
\gamma^T \mathbf{1} = \mathbf{b}
\gamma \geq 0
where :
- :math:`\mathbf{M}` is the (`ns`, `nt`) squared euclidean cost matrix between samples in
:math:`\mathbf{X_s}` and :math:`\mathbf{X_t}` (scaled by :math:`n_s`)
- :math:`L` is a :math:`d\times d` linear operator that approximates the barycentric
- :math:`\mathbf{I}` is the identity matrix (neutral linear mapping)
- :math:`\mathbf{a}` and :math:`\mathbf{b}` are uniform source and target weights
The problem consist in solving jointly an optimal transport matrix
:math:`\gamma` and a linear mapping that fits the barycentric mapping
:math:`n_s\gamma \mathbf{X_t}`.
One can also estimate a mapping with constant bias (see supplementary
material of :ref:`[8] <references-joint-OT-mapping-linear>`) using the bias optional argument.
The algorithm used for solving the problem is the block coordinate
descent that alternates between updates of :math:`\mathbf{G}` (using conditional gradient)
and the update of :math:`\mathbf{L}` using a classical least square solver.
xs : array-like (ns,d)
samples in the source domain
xt : array-like (nt,d)
samples in the target domain
mu : float,optional
Weight for the linear OT loss (>0)
eta : float, optional
Regularization term for the linear mapping L (>0)
bias : bool,optional
Estimate linear mapping with constant bias
numItermax : int, optional
Max number of BCD iterations
stopThr : float, optional
Stop threshold on relative loss decrease (>0)
numInnerItermax : int, optional
Max number of iterations (inner CG solver)
stopInnerThr : float, optional
Stop threshold on error (inner CG solver) (>0)
verbose : bool, optional
Print information along iterations
log : bool, optional
record log if True
gamma : (ns, nt) array-like
Optimal transportation matrix for the given parameters
L : (d, d) array-like
Linear mapping matrix ((:math:`d+1`, `d`) if bias)
log : dict
log dictionary return only if log==True in parameters
.. _references-joint-OT-mapping-linear:
.. [8] M. Perrot, N. Courty, R. Flamary, A. Habrard,
"Mapping estimation for discrete optimal transport",
Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2016.
See Also
ot.lp.emd : Unregularized OT
ot.optim.cg : General regularized OT
xs, xt = list_to_array(xs, xt)
nx = get_backend(xs, xt)
ns, nt, d = xs.shape[0], xt.shape[0], xt.shape[1]
if bias:
xs1 = nx.concatenate((xs, nx.ones((ns, 1), type_as=xs)), axis=1)
xstxs = nx.dot(xs1.T, xs1)
Id = nx.eye(d + 1, type_as=xs)
Id[-1] = 0
I0 = Id[:, :-1]
def sel(x):
return x[:-1, :]
xs1 = xs
xstxs = nx.dot(xs1.T, xs1)
Id = nx.eye(d, type_as=xs)
I0 = Id
def sel(x):
return x
if log:
log = {"err": []}
a = unif(ns, type_as=xs)
b = unif(nt, type_as=xt)
M = dist(xs, xt) * ns
G = emd(a, b, M)
vloss = []
def loss(L, G):
"""Compute full loss"""
return (
nx.sum((nx.dot(xs1, L) - ns * nx.dot(G, xt)) ** 2)
+ mu * nx.sum(G * M)
+ eta * nx.sum(sel(L - I0) ** 2)
def solve_L(G):
"""solve L problem with fixed G (least square)"""
xst = ns * nx.dot(G, xt)
return nx.solve(xstxs + eta * Id, nx.dot(xs1.T, xst) + eta * I0)
def solve_G(L, G0):
"""Update G with CG algorithm"""
xsi = nx.dot(xs1, L)
def f(G):
return nx.sum((xsi - ns * nx.dot(G, xt)) ** 2)
def df(G):
return -2 * ns * nx.dot(xsi - ns * nx.dot(G, xt), xt.T)
G = cg(
1.0 / mu,
return G
L = solve_L(G)
vloss.append(loss(L, G))
if verbose:
"{:5s}|{:12s}|{:8s}".format("It.", "Loss", "Delta loss") + "\n" + "-" * 32
print("{:5d}|{:8e}|{:8e}".format(0, vloss[-1], 0))
# init loop
if numItermax > 0:
loop = 1
loop = 0
it = 0
while loop:
it += 1
# update G
G = solve_G(L, G)
# update L
L = solve_L(G)
vloss.append(loss(L, G))
if it >= numItermax:
loop = 0
if abs(vloss[-1] - vloss[-2]) / abs(vloss[-2]) < stopThr:
loop = 0
if verbose:
if it % 20 == 0:
"{:5s}|{:12s}|{:8s}".format("It.", "Loss", "Delta loss")
+ "\n"
+ "-" * 32
it, vloss[-1], (vloss[-1] - vloss[-2]) / abs(vloss[-2])
if log:
log["loss"] = vloss
return G, L, log
return G, L
def joint_OT_mapping_kernel(
r"""Joint OT and nonlinear mapping estimation with kernels as proposed in
:ref:`[8] <references-joint-OT-mapping-kernel>`.
The function solves the following optimization problem:
.. math::
\min_{\gamma, L\in\mathcal{H}}\quad \|L(\mathbf{X_s}) -
n_s\gamma \mathbf{X_t}\|^2_F + \mu \langle \gamma, \mathbf{M} \rangle_F +
\eta \|L\|^2_\mathcal{H}
s.t. \ \gamma \mathbf{1} = \mathbf{a}
\gamma^T \mathbf{1} = \mathbf{b}
\gamma \geq 0
where :
- :math:`\mathbf{M}` is the (`ns`, `nt`) squared euclidean cost matrix between samples in
:math:`\mathbf{X_s}` and :math:`\mathbf{X_t}` (scaled by :math:`n_s`)
- :math:`L` is a :math:`n_s \times d` linear operator on a kernel matrix that
approximates the barycentric mapping
- :math:`\mathbf{a}` and :math:`\mathbf{b}` are uniform source and target weights
The problem consist in solving jointly an optimal transport matrix
:math:`\gamma` and the nonlinear mapping that fits the barycentric mapping
:math:`n_s\gamma \mathbf{X_t}`.
One can also estimate a mapping with constant bias (see supplementary
material of :ref:`[8] <references-joint-OT-mapping-kernel>`) using the bias optional argument.
The algorithm used for solving the problem is the block coordinate
descent that alternates between updates of :math:`\mathbf{G}` (using conditional gradient)
and the update of :math:`\mathbf{L}` using a classical kernel least square solver.
xs : array-like (ns,d)
samples in the source domain
xt : array-like (nt,d)
samples in the target domain
mu : float,optional
Weight for the linear OT loss (>0)
eta : float, optional
Regularization term for the linear mapping L (>0)
kerneltype : str,optional
kernel used by calling function :py:func:`ot.utils.kernel` (gaussian by default)
sigma : float, optional
Gaussian kernel bandwidth.
bias : bool,optional
Estimate linear mapping with constant bias
verbose : bool, optional
Print information along iterations
verbose2 : bool, optional
Print information along iterations
numItermax : int, optional
Max number of BCD iterations
numInnerItermax : int, optional
Max number of iterations (inner CG solver)
stopInnerThr : float, optional
Stop threshold on error (inner CG solver) (>0)
stopThr : float, optional
Stop threshold on relative loss decrease (>0)
log : bool, optional
record log if True
gamma : (ns, nt) array-like
Optimal transportation matrix for the given parameters
L : (ns, d) array-like
Nonlinear mapping matrix ((:math:`n_s+1`, `d`) if bias)
log : dict
log dictionary return only if log==True in parameters
.. _references-joint-OT-mapping-kernel:
.. [8] M. Perrot, N. Courty, R. Flamary, A. Habrard,
"Mapping estimation for discrete optimal transport",
Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2016.
See Also
ot.lp.emd : Unregularized OT
ot.optim.cg : General regularized OT
xs, xt = list_to_array(xs, xt)
nx = get_backend(xs, xt)
ns, nt = xs.shape[0], xt.shape[0]
K = kernel(xs, xs, method=kerneltype, sigma=sigma)
if bias:
K1 = nx.concatenate((K, nx.ones((ns, 1), type_as=xs)), axis=1)
Id = nx.eye(ns + 1, type_as=xs)
Id[-1] = 0
Kp = nx.eye(ns + 1, type_as=xs)
Kp[:ns, :ns] = K
# ls regu
# K0 = K1.T.dot(K1)+eta*I
# Kreg=I
# RKHS regul
K0 = nx.dot(K1.T, K1) + eta * Kp
Kreg = Kp
K1 = K
Id = nx.eye(ns, type_as=xs)
# ls regul
# K0 = K1.T.dot(K1)+eta*I
# Kreg=I
# proper kernel ridge
K0 = K + eta * Id
Kreg = K
if log:
log = {"err": []}
a = unif(ns, type_as=xs)
b = unif(nt, type_as=xt)
M = dist(xs, xt) * ns
G = emd(a, b, M)
vloss = []
def loss(L, G):
"""Compute full loss"""
return (
nx.sum((nx.dot(K1, L) - ns * nx.dot(G, xt)) ** 2)
+ mu * nx.sum(G * M)
+ eta * nx.trace(dots(L.T, Kreg, L))
def solve_L_nobias(G):
"""solve L problem with fixed G (least square)"""
xst = ns * nx.dot(G, xt)
return nx.solve(K0, xst)
def solve_L_bias(G):
"""solve L problem with fixed G (least square)"""
xst = ns * nx.dot(G, xt)
return nx.solve(K0, nx.dot(K1.T, xst))
def solve_G(L, G0):
"""Update G with CG algorithm"""
xsi = nx.dot(K1, L)
def f(G):
return nx.sum((xsi - ns * nx.dot(G, xt)) ** 2)
def df(G):
return -2 * ns * nx.dot(xsi - ns * nx.dot(G, xt), xt.T)
G = cg(
1.0 / mu,
return G
if bias:
solve_L = solve_L_bias
solve_L = solve_L_nobias
L = solve_L(G)
vloss.append(loss(L, G))
if verbose:
"{:5s}|{:12s}|{:8s}".format("It.", "Loss", "Delta loss") + "\n" + "-" * 32
print("{:5d}|{:8e}|{:8e}".format(0, vloss[-1], 0))
# init loop
if numItermax > 0:
loop = 1
loop = 0
it = 0
while loop:
it += 1
# update G
G = solve_G(L, G)
# update L
L = solve_L(G)
vloss.append(loss(L, G))
if it >= numItermax:
loop = 0
if abs(vloss[-1] - vloss[-2]) / abs(vloss[-2]) < stopThr:
loop = 0
if verbose:
if it % 20 == 0:
"{:5s}|{:12s}|{:8s}".format("It.", "Loss", "Delta loss")
+ "\n"
+ "-" * 32
it, vloss[-1], (vloss[-1] - vloss[-2]) / abs(vloss[-2])
if log:
log["loss"] = vloss
return G, L, log
return G, L